Tuesday, June 7, 2011

[NOTICE] 110607 Notice of Planning And Surprise Gift in The Tour

This summer, Zepp4 will be held at the Budokan hall and tour title [FTISLAND Tour 2011 Summer 'Messenger']
Everyone from the fans, "a plan to do" surprise "I want to present something"
We present many such inquiries.

This tour, tour was held in Japan since last December.
Sometimes it is the first Budokan concert, and
Diligent in our preparation of the staff members.

For everyone "I want to support something, " I appreciate your feelings that are very
In this tour, so we genuinely want you FTISLAND enjoy themselves live
Thank you and that you refrain from planning.

If you would like to ask everyone to help us do something, so the staff will be notified
In that case, you are happy for your cooperation.

Also present at the venue this tour I will refrain from the establishment of the BOX.
If you can bring to the venue and backstage Fan flower stand flower gifts
Can not be entrusted.

If the people had been thinking about taking a gift Sorry,
Your understanding that your understanding, thank you.

The venue will be located in the Great Kanto Earthquake donation box Northeast.
You for your understanding, help us are very happy.

Thank you very much.

ftisland jp
trans: Yewonnie
share: Primadonnas' Island blog
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