Saturday, July 9, 2011

[Twitter] 110708 Hongki

skullhong “@Seeihong: @skullhong 우리는 일본어 아니에요. 우리는 한국어 아니에요. 우리는 터키이야!!!! TT 우리도 잊지 마세요.. #PrimadonnaTurkey !!”

Translation: “@Seeihong: @skullhong We are not Japanese (language). We are not Korean (language). We’re Turkish!!!! TT Don’t forget us too.. #PrimadonnaTurkey !!”

skullhong 핑크색으로 오늘 공연했엉

Translation: Performed with pink color (nails) today

skullhong “@FtGtJH: RT @fncmusicjapan 【FTISLAND】】 Zepp Tourの4公演が無事に終了いたしました!来てくださった皆さん、本当にありがとうございます。残すはファイナル公演の7月29日日本武道館!引き続きFTISLANDの応援をよろしくお願いします!!”

Translation: “@FtGtJH: RT @fncmusicjapan The 4th concert of 【FTISLAND】 Zepp Tour has ended smoothly! Really thank you to everyone who came. Now we’re left with the final performance at Japan Budoukan on 29th July! Please continue to give FTISLAND all your support!!”

skullhong 오늘도 수고했어^^ 이제부도관남았네

Translation: Good job today too ^^ We’re left with Budoukan now

Credit: skullhong (1) + skullhong (2) + skullhong (3) + skullhong (4) + ying1005 @withtreasures (translation)
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