Tuesday, July 12, 2011

[Twitter] 110712 Jaejin

saico011 “커플인가봐ㅋㅋㅋ남여@kind_heejoo: @saico011 우리학교에 아까 걔 파란색잇엇어!!!”
Translation: “Seems that they’re a couple, kekeke! Male & female @kind_heejoo: @saico011 There was a blue one just now in our school!!!”

Translation: This

saico011 얘 좀봐 무섭지
Translation: Look at this, isn’t it scary

saico011 지금 당신은 무엇을 생각하고 느끼고 있습니까 그리고 지금 나에게 어떤게 가능한지 생각해보고 있습니까
Translation: What are you thinking of and feeling right now? And are you thinking of what’s possible for yourself right now?

Credit: saico011 (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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