Translation: Peach has now joined the other cats, surviving on their own~ㅜㅜ She received our love and left, wonder if she’s adapting well… “@Nyeochu: @FtDrMH1111 Oppa, by the way, where did Peach go”
FtDrMH1111 귀엽다^^ 피치가 생각나네~ㅎㅎ
Translation: So cute^^ Thought of Peach~ Hehe!

FtDrMH1111 드디어 샀다!! 아이폰4 흰둥이^^ 조만간 아이폰5 나온다는데 또사야하나ㅜㅜ
Translation: Finally bought!! The white iPhone 4^^ But iPhone 5 will be releasing soon, should I buy again ㅜㅜ
Credit: FtDrMH1111 (1), FtDrMH1111 (2), FtDrMH1111 (3) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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