Friday, September 16, 2011

16 Sep
[Twitter] 110914 Jaejin & Minhwan

Note: Read from the bottom

saico011 예~♥마 bro!!!!ㅋㅋㅋ
Translation: Yeah~♥Ma bro!!!! Kekeke!

FtDrMH1111 우리 숙소에 있는 아라레별^^ 울 아가들이 정성들였구만!!!ㅎㅎ 고마워~~!! 인증이 너무 늦어부렀다…ㅡ 3ㅡ
Translation: The ARARE* star in our dorm^^ Our dearies have put in so much effort!!! Hehe! Thank you~~!! The acknowledgement came too late… ㅡ 3ㅡ

*One of FTIsland’s Korean fancafe “ARARE” registered a star for FTIsland in celebration of their 4th anniversary.
FtDrMH1111 그노래 젤좋아!!^^
Translation: I like that song most!!^^

saico011 진짜 열심히 레코딩중…내 곡이니까….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ더더욱
Translation: Really working hard at recording… Because it’s my song so… kekekekekeke, even more (hard working)

Credit: saico011 (1), FtDrMH1111 (1), FtDrMH1111 (2), saico011 (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)



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