skullhong 졸려졸려 ㅋㅋㅋ
Translation: Sleepy, sleepy, kekeke!

skullhong 자~~!!!!!일본뮤비와 자켓촬영!!!!!기대하시라!!!!!
Translation: Well then~~!!!!! Japanese music video and jacket photoshoot!!!!! Do look forward to them!!!!!
skullhong 푸핫…영지버섯을 영란버섯이라했어….아오 주의하겠습니다
Translation: Puhaha… I called the “youngji” mushroom (lingzhi or reishi mushroom) as “youngran” mushroom…. Aww, I will take note.
Credit: skullhong (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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