Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[Twitter] 110919 Jonghun

FtGtJH “빨리 치는 건 결코 대단한 게 아니다. 누구나 연습을 통해 도달할 수 있는 것이기 때문이다. 보다 중요한 곤 좋은 멜로디이다. 기타를 목소리라고 본다면 빠른 노래에 과연 누가 감동을 할 것인가? 아름답게 노래하는 것에 오히려 더 감동을받기마련이다.”

Translation: “To play (a guitar) quickly is absolutely not an amazing thing. Because anyone can attain that standard through practice. What’s more important is having a good melody. If you see the guitar as a voice, will anyone be touched by a fast-paced song? A song which is played in a beautiful manner, will touch people even more instead.”
Credit: FtGtJH (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)



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