Saturday, September 24, 2011

[Twitter] 110923 Hongki

skullhong 맥주한잔하러가고싶은데 여기주변에 무서운들이 많아서 위험하다고 한다 곧 말레이시아 가는구나 경유는 처음인데..걱정이네

Translation: Wanted to have a glass of beer but they said that there are many scary people in this area. Going to Malaysia soon. First time transiting.. I’m worried.

skullhong 세상은 왜이리 넓고 하고싶은건 왜이리 많은걸까 난 왜이리 작은걸까 그 커다란걸 내가 해낼수있을까 내가 정말 뭘하고싶고 좋아하고 사랑하는걸까 이번여행으로 얻은것중 하나다

Translation: Why is the world so big and why are there so many things that I want to do? Why am I so tiny? Am I able to accomplish such a big thing? What do I want to do, what do I like and what do I love, seriously? This is one of the thoughts I’ve gathered through this trip.

skullhong 떠나고싶기도하고 열심히 일해야하고 자유롭고싶어 아무것도 억압받지않는…몰라 내마음이 외로운건가…

Translation: I want to get away too. I’ve got to work hard and I want to be free, without feeling oppressed… I’ve no idea. Am I feeling lonely…

skullhong 하고싶은게 너무많다 내가 다 할수있을까?

Translation: There are so many things that I want to do. Am I able to do everything?

Credit: skullhong (1), skullhong (2), skullhong (3), skullhong (4) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
Primadonnas' Island blog - blueseunghyun



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