Sunday, October 2, 2011

[Twitter] 110930 Hongki

skullhong 수건!!たおる!!
Translation: Towel!! Towell!!
skullhong Towel챙겨와!!!
Translation: Bring along your towel!!!
skullhong 내일오는사람!!손!!!
Translation: Those coming tomorrow!!! A show of hands!!!
skullhong @FtGtJH 금방써먹는구만 뜻이뭐게~~~~?
Translation: @FtGtJH So you’re already using it. What’s the meaning~~~~?
skullhong 으..진짜오랜만에 오늘 운동해야지 티셔츠가 커졌어…ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Translation: Argh.. It’s really been a long time. I’ve got to exercise today. My t-shirt became bigger…ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
skullhong 폭트종료 한달에 한번정도 해야지
Translation: End of storm tweets. I’ve got to do this once a month.
skullhong “@_o1o95759626: @skullhong 나진짜 오빠랑 진지하게 결혼할꺼니까 말리지마ㅠㅠ”ㅡ웅 안말려 나꼬셔봐
Translation: “@_o1o95759626: @skullhong I’m seriously going to marry oppa, don’t stop meㅠㅠ”ㅡ Right, not going to stop you. Try seducing me.
skullhong “@pikaajoon: @skullhong 오빠 런던 바랍니다에 와서 ^.^”ㅡ가고싶습니다
Translation: “@pikaajoon: @skullhong Oppa, please come to London^.^” ㅡ I want to go
skullhong “@JeSiHyeong: @skullhong 내일 시험이라구요ㅠㅠㅠ 저도 알티해주세여!!!ㅠ”ㅡ화이티이이이이!!
Translation: “@JeSiHyeong: @skullhong Having an exam tomorrowㅠㅠㅠ RT me too!!!ㅠ”ㅡ Fightingggg!!
skullhong “@youngju4: @skullhong 아빠!! 딸이시간까지공부하는데 힘내라고쫌해줘요ㅠ”ㅡ우리딸 화이팅
Translation: “@youngju4: @skullhong Dad!! Your daughter is studying even at this time, say something to give me some energyㅠ”ㅡ Our daughter, fighting
skullhong “@yamche12: @skullhong 원래혼자떡뽀끼머금서폰만지막거리면.막칭구없어보이구찌질한데…..홍기는안그래 ㅠㅠ”ㅡ그모습이 지금 내모습
Translation: “@yamche12: @skullhong If you’re eating ddeokbokki alone and caught using your phone at the same time, you’ll look like a loser with no friends….. But Hongki isn’t like that ㅠㅠ”ㅡ That’s how I look like right now
skullhong “@dinariajeng: @skullhong 오빠! FT Island 언제 자카르타에 와요? 인도네시아 프리마도나들이 너무 많아요…. 모두모두 FT Island 기다려요…. 나두 기대해용 :3ㅡ금방갈께요!!
Translation: “@dinariajeng: @skullhong Oppa! When is FTIsland coming to Jakarta? There are many Indonesian Primadonnas…. Everyone is waiting for FTIsland…. I’m looking forward too :3ㅡ We’ll go there soon!!
skullhong “@boakwon3: @skullhong 왜 대답 안 해”ㅡ뭔답
Translation: “@boakwon3: @skullhong Why aren’t you replying”ㅡ What reply
skullhong “@FTlsland_: @skullhong 홍기오빠 왜 이시간에…아니 내일늦잠자면 지각비는오빠가내요!!!!!”ㅡ……얼마니
Translation: “@FTlsland_: @skullhong Hongki oppa, why at this time… No, if I oversleep tomorrow, oppa will pay for my late fees!!!!!”ㅡ …… How much
skullhong “@serynyan: @skullhong 피자먹으러 이탈리아에 오는 건 어때요?ㅋㅋ”ㅡ여행으로가고싶다
Translation: “@serynyan: @skullhong How about coming to Italy for some pizza? Keke”ㅡ I want to go there to travel.
skullhong “@Elan_PAT: @skullhong 당신의 격려가 필요합니다. 지금 태국에 많은 지역에서 홍수가 발생했습니다. 한국어는 어렵습니다. 하지만 시도합니다. 사전 마돈나 태국.>..__< I want to go to Korea!!!! It looks so tasty!!!!!! Why doesn’t America have things like this ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ How I wish there’s food tent over here too… ㅠㅠ Hongki-ssi, which is the most tasty item over here?” Ddeok
skullhong “@kira2ft: @skullhong 이 시간에 먹으면 돼지가 될거야www_| ̄|○”ㅡ내일 운동하면되지로오오옹
Translation: “@kira2ft: @skullhong You will become a pig if you eat at this time www_| ̄|○”ㅡ It’s ok if I exercise tomorrowww
skullhong “@__1299: @skullhong 떡볶이다먹엇음??나좀남겨죠…배거파ㅠㅠ”ㅡ먹구있어 혼자쓸쓸히..
Translation: “@__1299: @skullhong Did you finish up the ddeokbokki?? Leave some for me… I’m hungry ㅠㅠ”ㅡ I’m eating alone..
skullhong “@maaaho3: @skullhong ほんぎ おはよう^^ 오늘 1carat갑니다 홍기는 또 네일하지 않겠습니까?”ㅡ조만간합니다
Translation: “@maaaho3: @skullhong Hongki, good morning^^ I’m going to 1carat today. Is Hongki not doing nails again?”ㅡ I’m going sometime soon.
skullhong “@g_irem: @skullhong 당신을위한 노래를 썼습니다. 들어주세요.. .”ㅡ들려주세요
Translation: “@g_irem: @skullhong I wrote a song for you. Please listen…”ㅡLet me hear it.
skullhong 잘먹겠습니다!!!!!
Translation: I’ll eat well!!!!!
skullhong 안되겟다 집앞에 포장마차를 찾으러 가야겠다 떡볶이 먹고오겠음..최종훈이 날버려서 혼자쓸쓸히..
Translation: This won’t do. I’ll have to go find the food tent in front of our house. I’ll eat some ddeokbokki and be back.. Choi Jonghun dumped me alone..
skullhong 아…배고파 누가 나 떡볶이좀 사줄래
Translation: Ahh… I’m hungry. Who can buy some ddeokbokki for me?
Credit: skullhong (1), skullhong (2), skullhong (3), skullhong (4), skullhong (5), skullhong (6), skullhong (7), skullhong (8), skullhong (9), skullhong (10), skullhong (11), skullhong (12), skullhong (13), skullhong (14), skullhong (15), skullhong (16), skullhong (17), skullhong (18), skullhong (19), skullhong (20), skullhong (21), skullhong (22), skullhong (23), skullhong (24), skullhong (25), skullhong (26), skullhong (27), skullhong (28), skullhong (29), skullhong (30), skullhong (31), skullhong (32) , skullhong (33) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)



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