saico011 “@skullhong: 난지금 고속도로위..전라도,경상도 둘중어디?”ㅡ그거슨 바로 전라북도 영등포구 fnc앞
Translation: “@skullhong: I’m on an expressway right now.. Jeolla-do, Gyeongsang-do, somewhere between the two?”ㅡThat will be Jeollabuk-do, Yeongdeungpo-gu, in front of fnc.
saico011 시간 정말빠르다 벌써 10월이네 더 많은 추억들이 함께했다면 더더욱 좋았을걸….너무 늦엇네!잘자♥
Translation: Time really flies. It’s already October. It would have been even better if we had created more memories together…. It’s late! Good night♥
Credit: saico011 (1), saico011 (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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