Wednesday, October 26, 2011

[Twitter] 111024 Seunghyun

chungxuan “@slothyang: @chungxuan @FtDrMH1111 아빠들 11월 1일 대전에 ‘굿모닝Bob’ 이라는 음식점 생깁니닿! 나중에 놀러와염!”ㅡ가게화이팅~굿모닝밥~~~~
Translation: “@slothyang: @chungxuan @FtDrMH1111 Dads, there will be a new eating place called “Good morning Bob” starting 1st November in Daejeon! Come to play next time!”ㅡFighting for the new restaurant~ Good morning Bob~~~~
chungxuan 벌써 어둡네요…휴
Translation: It’s already dark… Huu
Credit: chungxuan (1), chungxuan (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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