Sunday, November 27, 2011

27 Nov
[Twitter] 111112 Jonghun

FtGtJH 今日から”너는 펫” 日本も まえうり スタト。
Translation: Advance booking for “You’re My Pet” starts in Japan today.
FtGtJH RT @chungxuan 7시십분너는펫보려구왔는데…좌석이없네?!ㅜㅜ대단한인기~~
Translation: RT @chungxuan Intend to watch “You’re My Pet” at 7.10pm and came here but… there are no more seats?!ㅜㅜWhat an enormous popularity~~
Credit: FtGtJH (1), FtGtJH (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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