It is indeed popular among the Japanese society even there is no strong base and support for its’ relevance.
Thinking of socializing Japan? If that is the case, you should not forget to bring your blood type ID card. If one were to call it, if not due to science and military research, blood type personality would actually turn out to be a modern superstition. However, over the decades, blood type personality has become a unique belief of these few eastern countries (initially Japan and currently creeping over to other oriental countries like Korea and Taiwan).
ABO blood type personality or kitsueki-gata is a type of personality determinant where they believe that a person’s blood type is predictive of their personality, temperament, compatibility with others, inheritance of traits and all that is pretty similar to those of the astrology and star signs.
This blood type personality belief is usually used and popular in matchmaking and even on job interviews. Obviously there are always who would take advantage of something like this. The many types of media in Japan have been spreading this pseudoscience and been ripping off benefits and advantages of this blood type personality thingy. Books and magazines initially on the issue of blood type personality is a definite major seller. Even employers have been taking in workers according to their blood type, believing that some blood type works well with other certain blood type and vice versa.
So, for the sake of fun (and information wise) what is your blood type and what it means?
Type A
Full of bold strength, reserved and calm, not easily panic but sometimes can be very uncomfortable with people (of having to socialize and all). Type-A is a hater of confrontation and aggressiveness. However, on the contrary, Type-A can be very shy and polite but somehow solitary. Type-A is also a lover of success and perfection. They are known to be very creative and artistic and this is, perhaps due to their sensitive nature.
Type B
A practical and have extreme focus. They are the specialists of what they do. They tend to stick to a goal and follow it through to the end, even if it seems impossible. Natural born individualist, they are more attentive to their thoughts rather than heart and often seen cold and serious. However, they are often more relaxed, with free-spirited attitude and seemingly unconventional.
Type O
A person with blood type O is an epitome of a happy person. Type-O is often outgoing, energetic and loves to socialize. Perhaps a great initiator but they are, at times find it hard to keep track with difficulties. They are flighty and not too dependable. Outspoken, opinionated are part of their traits and they love to be at the center of attention. In addition, their act often reflects their extreme confident attitude.
Type AB
Most unpredictable for having the characteristic of both A and B blood type, the people with AB blood type can be very hard to sort them out. They can be both shy and cold and able to switch their mode almost immediately. However, AB people are trustworthy and responsible, but can’t handle it when too much is asked of them. They are mostly interested in art and metaphysics.
Well, let's we compare this blood type with our FT Island!!
Blood type A --> Jonghoon, Jaejin, Minhwan
Full of bold strength, reserved and calm, not easily panic but sometimes can be very uncomfortable with people (of having to socialize and all).
That's really they are!! A3 always act calm in every situation. I think I haven't seen they got panic about something.And when they feel uncomfortable with someone, we can see on their expression (Jonghoon is the most who usually show that expression when he gets dizzy about what people say. kkkkk... n it shows that he uncomfortable with people whom he talk to with)
Type-A can be very shy and polite but somehow solitary.
Yup! 3 of them sometimes like this but the most is Minhwan. And well, 3 of them are the most who show politely when meet their senior or meet people whom they first meet.
Type O --> Wonbin and Seunghyun
A person with blood type O is an epitome of a happy person. Type-O is often outgoing, energetic and loves to socialize.
Yup! they always look happy n for Seunghyun, he always full happiness everytime. n yeahh... Seunghyun is so energic, he even makes other members feel tired of him. hahaha... He always does anything n can't stay calm, always messing up everywhere.LOL
But for Wonbin, well at first I found out that he looks like a calm guy, but... He really loves to talk!! Woahh... What a supprise since he always looks like shy boy. hahaha... N when u watch Hangeul Island season 1, there's when Wonbin did something cute n hyper-active. it made other members took a glance on him n poked him to stop him. hahahaha
their act often reflects their extreme confident attitude.
It really fits for Seunghyun. hahhaha... He always talk reflects n when people asked him, he always answered,"I talk without thinking." LOL
Type AB --> Hongki
the people with AB blood type can be very hard to sort them out. They can be both shy and cold and able to switch their mode almost immediately.
It's truely Hongki!!! No one can't stop him when his playfull side is on. LOL
And yup!! Hongki's mood always change. He talked about it in SGB's episode 268 (check this!!)
well,that's all aboout FT Island's personality by me. sorry for my bad english but I hope u still can understand it,^^
if u want to take this, please take with a full credit with my blog link!!!
credit: Primadonna's Island blog Yewonnie
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