On the 13th of March, Oh Wonbin will make his Japanese debut with his 1st Mini Album Release Showcase. The title of the new mini album will be "C'mon Girl" and Oh Wonbin's showcase will be at Shinjuku Blaze in Tokyo
When: Sunday March 13th 2011 Doors open 16:00 / Curtain 17:00
Meeting Venue: Shinjuku BLAZE - Official Website
Price: ¥ 4,000 ( tax included - Our Sun drink ¥ 500 will be required separately)
Species seat: Oh ー Standing
※ Not On Children of non-child admission
◆ Mini live that will last about 30 Minutes and copy of the Mini album which will be release on the 14th March [We offer C'mon Girl for purchase.] CD Signing. (a signed CD for unlimited number) have been scheduled.
※ CD will be sold at the venue too
How to Get tickets
- Application period - February 19, 2011 (Sat) 0:00 - 20 February 2011 (Sun) 23:59
Methods: media reception; ー Ticket booking
[Tickets are limited to 4 per person]
E-mail subject line: March 13 - 3 WONBIN ticket offer - and
Please e-mail as follows.
1. Name
2. Number of postal items
3. Address
4. Phone number
5. Applicant would like tickets including copies of (Up to 4 copies)
Reception Email: wonbinticket@gmail.com
Deposit Period: Feb. 23 (Wed) - Feb. 25 (Fri)
Inquiries show .............. Infowonbin@Gmail.com
Inquiries about tickets (7S-TICKET ).............. Info@7S-Ticket.co.jp / 03-3350-5818 (weekdays 12:00 to 17:00)
As you have to be Japanese or in Japan to attend this to receive all the extra detail about purchasing your tickets please check Oh Wonbin's Official Japanese website here: Oh Wonbin JP
Tip - Chiiye on Twitter
Translation - ☆Yaejin@OhWonbin.com
Oh Wonbin's Official Japanese Website
Primadonna's Island blog
Oh my god!!!
I really going crazy!!!!!!!!!!
My husband!!!
I have to buy his new album!!!
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