Sister of FT Island's Lee Jae Jin appeared as a "Heroine" in a music video.
Recently Old Time's member Kim Woo Joo posted Teaser MV of their new song 'She's Going Away' on their site. The teaser that lasts about 6 seconds showed an attractive looking woman performing skillfully which grabbed a lot of attention from Netizens.
According to Kim Woo Joo, this attractive looking woman is FT Island Lee Jae Jin's sister, Lee Chae Won. Lee Chae Won has appeared in various shows, movies and in dramas.
Rumors has it that Kim Woo Joo was charmed on Lee Chae won's cute face and her acting skills that Kim Woo Joo casted Lee Chae Won herself.
Meanwhile, Oldtime delayed their comeback due to Kim Woo Joo's injury on her ankles but they are planning to be active starting 11th of Febuary.
Source: Newsen
Translated by: josekim9@gokpop.com
Written by: hikkiFM@gokpop.com
shared by Yewonnie
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