Translation: Kekekekekeke! So I’ll die, kekekeke! RT @FThyejin @saico011 Hongki-oppa is invulnerable
saico011 음악적인 soyogi는 언제나 있는거고 i believe my self 하면서 i want하는것들을 이뤄나갈거니까
Translation: There is always a musical soyogi and because I believe myself while accomplishing the things I want.
saico011 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ푸하하하하하하하 RT @HongJu1229 @saico011 오빠 근데 티비에서 남자는 철 들면 죽는데여…죽어여? 진짜루?
Translation: Kekekeke! Puahahahahahahaha! RT @HongJu1229 @saico011 Oppa, But from TV, it says that men will die when they reach the age of discretion… Die? Really?
saico011 요즘야들이 진짜 더어른같어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ”@SoHeeeffect: @saico011 원하는답은생각보다쉬울수있어 넌할수있옼ㅋ빠샤”
Translation: Our kids, nowadays, seem really like adults, kekekeke! “@SoHeeeffect: @saico011 The answer that you want could be simpler than you think. You can do it, keke! All the best!”
saico011 좋아 나이스 RT @flower_ye @saico011 원하는답찾앗음좋겟어ㅋㅋ화이팅
Translation: Good, nice! RT @flower_ye @saico011 I hope you can find an answer to your queries. Keke! Fighting!
saico011 왜 당신들은 내가 걱정이라고 말하나요 내가 이런 고민을 멈추는 순간이 난 더 걱정되는데
Translation: Why is everyone saying that I’m worried? I’ll be even more worried the moment I stop my worries.
saico011 별일아냐 RT @Hong__gi @saico011 왜또 무슨일이야
Translation: It’s nothing in particular RT @Hong__gi @saico011 Why? What is it again?
saico011 언제쯤에나 순수한 음악을 할수있을까
Translation: When am I able to do some fine music?
Credit: saico011 (1), saico011 (2), saico011 (3), saico011 (4), saico011 (5), saico011 (6), saico011 (7), saico011 (8) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
shared by Primadonnas' Island blog
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