Monday, August 22, 2011

[Twitter] 110821 Jaejin

saico011 캬캬캬캬 재밋엇어요 캬캬

Translation: Kya kya kya kya! It was fun! Kya kya!

saico011 여러분 끝낫어요!ㅎㅎ 참신나네요 ㅎㅎ 수고해썽

Translation: Everyone, it has ended! Hehe! We really had fun! Hehe! Great job!

saico011 어제부터 대기실에서 이걸 왜하냐며 온갖 고난과 위기 그리고 구박를 이겨내며 오늘에서야 만들어낸 작품

Translation: Why did I do this at the waiting room since yesterday was because I wanted to overcome the hardships, crisis and torment. A piece of work completed only today.

saico011 승혀이청쉔생신 여러분축하해주세요 축하혀청쉔!

Translation: It’s Seunghyunnie Chungxuan’s birthday! Everyone, wish him a happy birthday! Happy birthday Chungxuan!

Credit: saico011 (1), saico011 (2), saico011 (3), saico011 (4) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

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