Tuesday, September 13, 2011

13 Sep
[Twitter] 110912 Hongki

skullhong 오랜만에 중학교친구들만나서 수다떨러갑니다
Translation: It’s been a long time since I met up with my friends from middle school. Going off for a chit chat session.
skullhong 아이고 아침부터공항와준 분들 정신없었죠 미안 쏘뤼 조심히들어가고 즐거운추석보냅시다
Translation: Aigoo, those of you who came to the airport early in the morning must be feeling dazed. Sorry, sorry. Go back safely and have an enjoyable Chuseok.
skullhong 태국 프리마돈나 고마워 한국 잘 도착했음
Translation: Thailand Primadonnas, thank you. I’ve arrived safely in Korea.
Credit: skullhong (1), skullhong (2), skullhong (3) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)



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