FtGtJH 올라갈때있고 내려올때도있고
Translation: There are times when we go up and times when we come down

FtGtJH 구름과 함께 ..힘들어하는 우리엄마 x(
Translation: With the clouds.. my mom who is tired x(

FtGtJH 나지금여기
Translation: I’m here now.

FtGtJH 어린이 시절때 걸었던 거리가 좁아보이고 30분거리가 10분거리로 느껴지는 이기분…..
Translation: The street which I’ve walked along when I was little seems narrow now. The feeling of a 30-minutes distance becoming a 10-minutes one…..
Credit: FtGtJH (1), FtGtJH (2), FtGtJH (3), FtGtJH (4) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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