Translation: The sunlight is just right… That’s good~~???? Hohoho……↖■~■↖
chungxuan “@prihaneum: @chungxuan ㅡㅡ오빤 쫌…생각좀해요 이럴시간에! 오빠팬들 다 떨어지겠다고요…제발 누가더 이익인지 생각해바여..”ㅡ뭐실수한거니??
Translation: “@prihaneum: @chungxuan ㅡㅡ Oppa, please… Please think about this for awhile, at this time! Oppas are losing a lot of fans… Please try to think who will be more beneficial in this..” Was there a mistake??
chungxuan ⊙▽⊙;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
chungxuan 날씨가많이쌀쌀해졌네요…다들감기조심하세요!
Translation: The weather is getting colder… Everyone, do be careful not to catch a cold!
Credit: chungxuan (1) + chungxuan (2) + chungxuan (4) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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