Saturday, December 3, 2011

[Twitter] 111115 Jonghun

FtGtJH 내일은 더 추울려나? 내일 모레도? 글피도? 이러다가 겨울 지나가겠지 :) 하루하루 일없으면 비슷한생활, 하지만 자기계발의 시간 , 시간을 아끼자 다들 ~
Translation: Will it get colder tomorrow? And the day after? And also the day after? Winter will pass just like this :) Days will pass the same way when there’s no work, but it’s time for some personal development, let’s not waste time, everyone~
Credit: FtGtJH (1) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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