Monday, March 28, 2011

[ARTICLE] Oh Won Bin in Color Magazine Issue 193

The Primadonnas must have been familiar with the name Oh Won Bin. He was in the band FT Island with a nickname called “ First Korean Flower Boy Band”. His role in the band was the vocalist + guitarist + rapper. After some hesitation, he had finally decided to quit in the year 2009 because he wanted to find a different genre of music that suits him better. And this act had cause a lot of his fans to be heart broken and some had even shed tears.

On that year, Won Bin had decided to leave everything behind and went back to schooling and also further his studies in music. He had also participate and the production of the OST of and also sang in one of the song name and had gotten a lot of compliments for that song. Lately, he had his solo comeback with a new digital single "I love you and I love you". The song has a quite lively beat, hoping to use the melody to attract the audience. Oh Won Bin mentioned that he had always wanted to see his fans again, but because of his will to produce a better music for everyone, he had made the fans to wait for him 2 years. So now, he would bring out his best performance to compensate everyone’s support towards him!

This time, FT Island’s first major concert in Taiwan - had achieve great success in the ticket selling. To repay back the fan’s support, they have decided to invite Won Bin to be their special guest in the Taipei concert. They vowed to give the fans a never before interesting concert. Also, the fans who bought ticket for the VIP section and the ROCK PIT section might stand a chance to have close interactions with the boys! Also, 60 lucky fans would be picked to have a chance to take pictures with them backstage after the concert!

Source : Color Magazine Issue 193
Credits & Translation : sotseine

Sahred by SHINeeTreasure


Primadonnas' Island blog -- Bluecow

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