Wednesday, April 6, 2011

[Twitter] 110405 Hongki

skullhong 오늘 호텔에서 도망가는 씬에서 팬분들이 나오는 장면이 있는데 정말 우리 팬분들이였다….우린아무도몰랐다…

Translation: At the fleeing scene at the hotel today, there was a scene where fans appeared. They’re really our fans…. None of us knew about it…

skullhong RT @Cemula1: 저녁촬영에는 지나가던 팬이 집에다시가서 씨디와 프리마돈나회원카드를 가져오자 피곤하지만 친절히 싸인을 해줍니다 상식이에 피로회복제는 팬입니다
Translation: RT @Cemula1: Fans who passed by our filming spot during the evening, went back home and came back with their CDs and Primadonna Membership Cards. Though tired, he signed for them. To “Common Senseless”, fans are his fatigue recovery potion.

skullhong RT @Cemula1: 수백명에게(???)일일이 악수를 해줍니다 역시 상식이는 어린아이들에 우상입니다 일본에도 EBS가 나오나 봅니다

Translation: RT @Cemula1: One by one, he shook hands with hundreds (???) of fans. “Common Senseless” is indeed an idol among the little ones. Seems that EBS* channel is also showing in Japan.
*Could be referring to Hongki’s “Kkangsooni” drama in 2005 when he was still a c

skullhong RT @Cemula1: 새벽부터시작된 촬영에 상식이안통하는 아이는 피곤해합니다 하지만 제르미를알아보는 초딩팬에 악수요청에 웃으며 안아줍니다 안긴어린아이얼굴이 어두워집니다
Translation: RT @Cemula1: Filming starts in the wee hours and “Common Senseless” looks tired. But he still smiled and gave hugs to the elementary school fans who recognized him as Jeremy. The face of the boy who was being hugged turned dark.

Credit: skullhong (1), skullhong (2), skullhong (3), skullhong (4) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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