Thursday, May 5, 2011

[Twitter] 110505 Jaejin with Seunghyun

saico011 재진어린이선물은 다들 준비해놧지^^?
Translation: Everyone has prepared presents for little Jaejin, right ^^?

chungxuan 승현어린이궁금한게있어요선생님!어린이도수염이나나요?
Translation: Teacher, Little Seunghyun has something curious to ask! Do children grow moustache/beard too?

saico011 그럼요 요즘애들은 성장이 빠른걸료^^?
Translation: Of course. Kids nowadays are growing up fast^^?

*5 May is Children’s Day in Korea.

Credit: saico011 (1), chungxuan (1), saico011 (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
shared by Primadonnas' Island blog and Yewonnie's oricon blog
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