Thursday, May 12, 2011

[Twitter] 110511 Hongki

skullhong 우리컴백도 얼마안남았어^^
Translation: Our comeback is nearing too^^

skullhong たのしみ^^
Translation: It’s fun ^^

skullhong 머슬걸 친구들과 카카오톡울시작했다 점점 일본어가 늘어간다 재밌다. Muscle girl みんなで kakaotalk はじまっだ!
Translation: Started KakaoTalk with friends from “Muscle Girl”. My Japanese is improving gradually. Interesting. Started KakaoTalk with everyone from “Muscle Girl”!

Credit: skullhong (1), skullhong (2), skullhong (3) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
share: Primadonnas' Island blog
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