Wednesday, July 27, 2011

[Twitter] 110727 Hongki

skullhong RT @fncmusicjapan: 【FTISLAND】 メンバー全員が制作に携わった「Let it go!」がリリースとなりました!いつも応援本当にありがとうございます!メンバーは武道館ライブに向けリハーサル!本日はホンギ(&ミンファン)ショットをお届けします。

Translation: RT @fncmusicjapan: 【FTISLAND】 members have all participated in the making of 「Let it go!」 and it has been released! Really thank you for your continuous support! The members are rehearsing for their Budokan live! Presenting today’s shot – Hongki (& Minhwan).

skullhong 뽀루퉁
Translation: Sulky

skullhong 이게 왤케웃기냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Translation: Why is this so funny, kekekekeke!

skullhong 비가 미친듯이 오는한국!!!난 비록 일본이지만 우리아가들과 모든사람들 조심하십쇼!!!!!
Translation: It’s raining crazily in Korea!!! Though I’m in Japan, our dearies and everyone out there, please be careful!!!!!

skullhong 분양이 아니라 분야!!
Translation: Not “sale”, I meant “areas”.

skullhong 멋진책이 나왔네요 오디션을 보고싶어하시는분들많으시죠??그 분양가 무엇이던간에 도움되는 책인거같네요 추천합니당 !!!!
Translation: An excellent book has been released. There are many people out there who wants to take auditions, right?? This book could provide tips on various sales. I highly recommend!!!!

Credit: skullhong (1), skullhong (2), skullhong (3), skullhong (4), skullhong (5) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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