Saturday, July 30, 2011

[Twitter] 110730 Hongki with Hiroto

Note: Read from the bottom

alice9_hiroto Your song is great‼ おつかれさま☆
Translation: Your song is great!! Good job ☆

skullhong ^^thank you!!!i love you

alice9_hiroto 【FTisland】の初武道館Liveにお邪魔してきた‼ とてもエネルギッシュで武道館一杯に響き渡ってた。オーディエンスの一体感も気持ち良かった!ステージから名前呼ばれたのはビックリしたな。恥ずかしっ!(◎_◎;)
Translation: I’m back from intruding 【FTisland】’s first Budokan Live!! Budokan was filled with energetic sounds. The atmosphere was great when the audience came together as one! I was shocked when my name was called from the stage. So embarrassed! (◎_◎;)

Credit: alice9_hiroto (1), skullhong (1), alice9_hiroto (2) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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