Monday, August 8, 2011

[Twitter] 110807 Jaejin

saico011 RT @skullhong “@FtGtJH: いま FTIsland が boom boom boom です、 10000人 ありがとう !”
Translation: RT @skullhong “@FtGtJH: FTIsland is now boom boom boom, thank you to the 10,000 people out there!”


saico011 ヒヒヒ 歌詞わすれちゃったよ! でも たのしいから だいじょぶだよ! でしょ(^∇^)?? みんなの おかげで、ほんとに たのしかった!
Translation: Hehehe! I’ve forgotten the lyrics! But it was fun, so it’s all right! Am I right (^∇^)?? Thanks to everyone, we really had fun!

saico011 あさの LIVE もう すぐ!
Translation: Morning live will start soon!

Credit: saico011 (1), saico011 (2), saico011 (3) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)

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