Friday, October 28, 2011

[TRANS] 111027 Hongki

skullhong 목소리크다^^우리아가들(누나이모임들다포함)난강심장으로 고고 엔딩에서 애들 보고 조심히들어요!!!

Translation: The “cheering” voices were loud^^ Our dearies (including noonas & aunts), I’m going off to “Strong Heart” and join them at the ending!!!

skullhong 막방에 첫번째음악방송 시작

Translation: The first music show of our last stages, start.

skullhong 잘 안보이네…

Translation: Can’t see that well…

skullhong 오랜만에 머리묶고있다 음

Translation: It’s been a long time since I tied my hair up. Hmm

skullhong 오늘 강심장 녹화갔다가 엠카갔다가 디시 강심장…머리아퍼!!ㅋㅋㅋ

Translation: Going for Strong Heart recording today and then Mcountdown and back to Strong Heart again… Headache!! Kekeke

Credit: skullhong (1), skullhong (2), skullhong (3), skullhong (4), skullhong (5) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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