Friday, November 4, 2011

[Twitter] 111030 Seunghyun

chungxuan “@SilverStar5880: [FTISLAND멤버가 볼때까지 무한리트윗] 팬써비스보다 중요한건 멤버들이 이사진을 봐줬으면 해요ㅠㅠ ㅡ너무고맙고사랑스러운데..길에선조심하자!볼때마다위험하던데..약속!ㅋㅋㅋ땡큐^^
Translation: “@SilverStar5880: [Unlimited retweets until FTISLAND members see this] Compared to doing fan service, what’s most important is that the members see this photo ㅠㅠ ㅡ Thank you so much, it’s so lovely.. But be careful on the road! It’s dangerous every time I see this.. Promise! Kekeke! Thank you^^
chungxuan “@skullhong: 오고싶어도 못오는 우리 지방아가들(누나이모다포함)!!!!다음엔 지방 많이갈께 미안해 ㅠㅠ 그래도 열심히응원해줘서고마워!!!”
Translation: “@skullhong Our dearies (including noonas & aunts) who wanted to come but are staying in the provinces!!!! We’ll go to the provinces more often next time, sorry ㅠㅠ Thank you for supporting us though!!!”
chungxuan GOOOOD DAY~~~~~
Credit: chungxuan (1), chungxuan (2), chungxuan (3) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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