Tuesday, April 5, 2011

[CAFE] Jonghun's Message, 2011.03.23

Maybe i repost it a little late but yeah i just want to shared it here laugh.gif

2011.03.23. 03:57

다들 꽃샘추위 잘이겨내고 계시는거죠?
이 늦은 시간에 불다꺼놓고 노트북 달랑 켜놓고 글 올립니다.
그냥 단지그냥 뭐 할말은 없는데요 뭐 걱정되고 혼란스럽고 그래서요.
걱정은하지말구요 ^^ 원래 A형외동들이 이러는 거니깐 ^^
아 마침 고개를 오른쪽으로 돌렸는데 달이 떠있네요 ㅎㅎ 정말 이쁘네요 ~
저 달나라에서 살면 편히살수있겠지? 라는생각을 해봅니다~

1~3월 뭐랄까 22살됬으니 뭔가 시작을 다르게 살아보자라는 생각을 했어요
하고싶은게 너무 많네요 노는것도 노는거지만 배우고싶은게 많아서 탈이에요 ^^
지금 하고있는것도 너무 부족하고 그래서 아직 생각만 하고있지만요
ㅎㅎ뭐랄까 이번에는 팬미팅도없고 뭐 사인회도 많이없고 행사도 많이없고 ,, 흠
여러분들도 많이 혼란스러울꺼에요 우리도 바쁠떄가좋다 무대위에서 응원받는게 좋다 라는생각을 많이하죠
많이 보고싶어요 ~ 그쵸 여러분들도? 제가 얼마전에 씨엔블루 쇼케이스 가서 그날 만큼은 처음으로 국내아티스트 팬이되었죠
같은 패밀리라 내가왜그리 좋은지 ^^ 무대를보면서 전 생각을 많이했어요 ~
우리 팬들도 지금 나같은 느낌일까? 내가 좋아하는 노래가 나오면 외면적으로 표현은 못하지만
내면에선 거의뭐 콘서트 열었을꺼에요 ㅎㅎ 그냥 뭐 우리 팬들의 느낌을 더많이알수있었던거같아요
우리를 얼마나 사랑해주고 얼마나 아끼고 보고싶어하고 스킨쉽하고싶고 뭐 주고싶고 그런지..?ㅎㅎ
나도 카메라 들어서 한번 찍어보고 ? ㅎㅎ 그리고또 ~ 캬 나도 저때로 돌아가고싶다 ~~
비록 씨엔블루 친구들과 나이는 비슷하지만 데뷔시기가 다르니깐요 그냥 아무생각 걱정없을때가 가장 좋은거같아요
빨리 앨범활동 하고싶다 여러 생각들이들었죠 지금 하루하루가 그냥 무의미하게 지나가지 않게 열심히 할게요
여러분들도 하루하루가 소중하고 아름다운 시간이 되었으면 좋겠어요

p.s 늦은시간 하늘에떠있는 달 감상하다 글 올리는 종훈이가.


Everyone had won against the fight with the cold spell in this early spring right?
I have switched off the lights and turned on my laptop to leave a message at such a late timing.
Just... Just... That... Er… I have nothing that I want to say. I am just slightly worried and my head is a little confused.
Please do not worry about me. ^^ The only son with blood type A has always been like this. ^^
Ah. I just happened to tilt my head to the right and saw the moon hanging there. Hehe. It is really beautiful~
I was thinking… If I lived on the moon, maybe I would lead a very comfortable and carefree life~

How should I describe the 1st 3 months of the year? I am already 22 years old and had also thought about leading a slightly different life.
There are many things that I want to do. Aside from playing, I also have many things that I want to learn. It is really a little too much. ^^
Because I did not do well enough for the things that I am currently doing, therefore I can only think about all of those ideas.
Hehe. What should I say? There are no fan meetings this time. There are also very few fan autograph sessions as well as activities ,, Hmm.
Everyone must be having mixed feelings right? We also like being busy and being on stage receiving everyone’s cheers. I have thought about these for many times…
Miss it a lot~ Right? Does everyone feel the same? I went to CNBlue’s Showcase not long ago. On that day, I also became a fan of our country’s artistes for the first time.
We are a family, but why do I like them so much ^^ I thought about many things while watching them perform~
Do our fans have the same feeling as me now? When you hear the song that you like and even though you are unable to express your feelings…
But in your heart, it resembles one being at a concert. Hehe. It is exactly that… I seem to be able to have a better understanding on our fans’ feelings.
Do you all love us very very much? Do you all treasure us very very much? Do you all want to see us very much? Do you all want to have skinship with us? Do you all want to do something for us..? Hehe.
Should I also hold the camera to take a picture of everyone once? Hehe. And~ I also wish to return to that time~
Even though I am around the same age as friends in CNBlue, but we debuted at a different time. During the times when we had no ideas and troubles, it seems to be the best.
I had many different ideas and really wanted to start on the album’s promotional activities as soon as possible. But now, I no longer do that, I would just spend each day meaninglessly. I worked really hard in doing everything.
Hope that everyone would be able to spend each and every day with precious and beautiful moments.

p.s At such a late timing, I am grateful to the moon that is hanging up in the sky. By Jonghun who left a message.

Source : FTIsland's Daum Cafe
Korean to Chinese translation : FTICN
Chinese to English translation: multiplylove @ silh0uette
Repost : iachanJH@HI
Primadonnas' Island blog -- Bluecow

From Primadonnas' Island
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