Friday, November 4, 2011

[Twitter] 111029 Seunghyun

chungxuan 축구게임하는데…옆에서셀카~~형들이옆에서”왜맨날표정이똑같니”라고했지만꿋꿋히유지했습니다.
Translation: Playing soccer game… But I’m taking selca at the side~~ Hyungs were saying that, “Why is your expression the same every time”, but I shall stick to it firmly.


chungxuan “@F____T: @chungxuan 귤먹짜”ㅡ이 글보고너무귀여워서..ㅋㅋㅋ귤???조오치~~~^^!
Translation: “@F____T: @chungxuan Let’s eat orange”ㅡIt’s so cute looking at this word.. Kekeke! Orange??? All right~~~^^!
chungxuan 좋은아침이에여~~!!
Translation: Good morning~~!!
Credit: chungxuan (1), chungxuan (2), chungxuan (3) + ying1005@withtreasures (translation)
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